Angel of Music

POSTED ON: Sunday 8 September 2013 @ 11:30 | 0 comments

Last month, exactly on 4th August 2013, I went to the musical at Marina Bay Sands, and I'm sure everyone know which musical it is, and yeah that's right, it is 'The Phantom Of The Opera' by Andrew Lloyd Webber. I have been waiting for this show since April, even I dare to say that I'm a big fan of Phantom Of The Opera. I was that desperate to watch this show, that's why I'm okay to spent 220SGD to get VIP seat and watched it without any companion (read : alone).

As I personally expected, the show was really amazing. Those properties they used were incredible, opulent stairways, textured curtains, and of course that well-known baroque chandelier. Also the casts were trained well, chiefly the phantom (Brad Little) and Christine (Claire Lyon), these two were the delight of the evening. Brad's presence was dominating and chilling yet at times so tender and heartbreaking. His portrayal of 'the Phantom' pained by obsession and unrequited love was devastating. While Claire as Christine, was impressive with her soaring soprano voice. She is a good match to the powerful and hypnotizing voice of the Phantom.

- continue to part 2

Act 1

Main Theme 'The Labyrinth Underground' - Phantom Of The Opera

Picture's Credit : As Tagged

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