Up in the Sky

POSTED ON: Thursday 8 August 2013 @ 01:06 | 0 comments

"It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die!" this famous line is from a well-known movie 'despicable me', and this us also my first reaction every time I see those clouds in the sky. I had nothing to do this afternoon, so I decided to take a look on my old pghotos, and then I found this photo. It was taken years ago, when I was on my trup to Malaysia, I was bored on the plane so I took so many photos of clouds because  I don't know why I found them interesting, maybe it is because the color composition of the picture, mostly are blue and white and it's kind of like relaxing and peaceful feelings every time you see them on the sky, and it also reminds me of my childhood. When you were a little kid, don't you ever wish to have an ability to fly up to the sky and reach those fluffy clouds? Back then when I was a kid, I always thought that clouds is a pile of cottons, and I could lay on it, even grab some of them and bring them back home (lol I know it sounds so cheesy, but nah, it is only children's thought anyway). And yeah, that's my random thought about clouds, what about you?

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