Culture of Indonesia : Wayang

POSTED ON: Tuesday 17 September 2013 @ 11:41 | 0 comments

Wayang is one of famous culture from Indonesia. Wayang is a Javanese traditional theater, which is refer to kinds of puppet theater, or actually the puppet itself is refers as wayang. Wayang is also believed as the essence of puppet show in Indonesia. Performance of wayang is accompanied by gamelan orchestra (Java) or gender wayang (Bali). Wayang is known to be existed before first century CE, after Hinduism and Buddhism was brought to South-East Asia. Wayang itself usually made from skin or leather. The construction of the puppets are carefully chiseled with very fine tools and supported with carefully shaped buffalo horn handles and control tools. The stories are usually drawn from the Hindu epics the Ramayana, the Mahabharata or from the Serat Menak. Basically, every continents have their own style of Wayang, but the most famous one is Wayang Kulit from Java.

Javanese Wayang

A Pair of Wayang Golek from West Java

Wayang kulit performance by a famous Indonesian 'Dalang' (puppet master) Ki Manteb Sudharsono with the story "Gathutkaca Winisuda", in Bentara Budaya

And below is an example for wayang perfomance

pictures credit : wikipedia and google
video credit : Hamid M Nur @ youtube

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