
POSTED ON: Tuesday 24 September 2013 @ 11:49 | 0 comments

Graphic designs are everything that related to creation, including window display. I decided to choose this photo because i can find some area in the display that sparks my interest. First of all, the repetition of yellow-orange hexagons that form a hive of bees as the background caught my attention. Somehow it gives me harmonious feeling, and the designer itself didn't put too much things on the display, so people wouldn't have a feeling of chaos and confusion. I'm sure everyone who passed this display can focused their attention to the clothes (because of the color contrast between clothes and background).

Culture of Indonesia : Batik Mega Mendung

POSTED ON: @ 03:22 | 0 comments

There's so many kinds of batik in Indonesia, yeah because Indonesia got so many region, and every region has their own batik's pattern, but there's one batik that has been my favorite since the first time I saw it pattern. That's Batik Mega Mendung. Batik Mega Mendung is from Cirebon, and this batik has an unique pattern which you can't find it in other region. Even because of it uniqueness, Indonesian Government registered this batik to UNESCO as one of world heritage. Batik Mega Mendung itself were inspired by chinese tradition, in 1600s, one of famous Islamic figure, Sunan Kali Jaga got married to Queen Ong Tien from China, since then, Chinese culture began to spread in Cirebon. Pattern of Batik Mega Mendung is basically represents sky and cloud, and usually has blue and red as it colors.

Dolce & Gabbana Spring/Summer 2014

POSTED ON: @ 03:05 | 0 comments

The designers. Domenico Dolce, and Stefano Gabbana. 

I still remember how Dolce & Gabbana impressed me with their fashion show last year, with colorful, energetic, vibrant, pattern and prints which you could feel the heat emitting. And this year, they also did the same thing, the fashion show which never fail to impress me. From the first time you see the fashion show itself, you will feel like you're going to tour of roman ruins, collecting the treasures and golds. Coins were blown up to the size of tea plates and joined together, either they made it as a prints or simply a waist cinches or necklaces. Don't forget about their signature these past years: mini dress with wide sleeves. In my opinion they also add some of japanese taste to this show, for example, three cherry blossoms tree as the background and invitation, and some of dresses with cherry blossoms as it decorations. In the end, Dolce & Gabbana ends their show with some red lingerie slip dress. Surely I'm looking forward to their next show.


Pictures credit and sources : Vogue UK


POSTED ON: Wednesday 18 September 2013 @ 10:56 | 0 comments

No, I'm not talking about the famous animation movie which chronicled about a small rat that can cook and has its signature dish called 'ratatouille', instead, I'm talking about a french bistro in Jakarta. Last week I flew back to jakarta and got a chance to try this french bistro. I went to Ratatouille with my friend. We arrived around 2.30 pm and the restaurant were almost empty, there was only 2 person at that moment. So we took a seat and started to choose the dishes from the menu. We finally came out with a Lunch Package (main course, dessert and drink) and Croque Monsieur. We waited for about 10 minutes to get our food ready on the table.


Poulet Roti 
(Roasted herb chicken served with ratatouille)

The chicken was nice, yet for ratatouille, I like the tomato sauce and those cheese on the ratatouille.

Croque Monsieur
(Cooked ham chiffonade / turkey ham, gruyere cheese, poached eggs, béarnaise sauce)

Its actually a sandwich without its cover, in my opinion it tastes good, but a bit too much oily.


I could say that they have the most delicious tiramisu cake I have ever tried in Jakarta, It's very moist, not too sweet and creamy. Perfect!

Overall : Recommended. The staffs were really nice. The atmosphere was good. They didn't make us wait too long for the food, and the food prices are not really expensive. Indeed, I would visit this bistro again, next time!

The H Tower - H.R Rasuna Said Kav.20, South Jakarta
Indonesia 12940
+62 21 52900351
email :
website :

Pieces of Life

POSTED ON: @ 10:06 | 0 comments

"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."

I was given a silver box on the day I left for Singapore. Since then I was wondering what's inside the box. When I arrived at my new home (read:hostel), I opened the box and surprised because the thing inside. It's a puzzle, yeah, literally a puzzle. I didn't know that my friends made me a customized puzzle. I texted one of them and I asked what it is, guess what, he just said "Do the puzzle immediately." without answering my question. He also said that they made a puzzle for me because they think that scrapbook thingy or video were already too mainstream for farewell gift. LOL. Then, I did the puzzle immediately after that. The puzzles were a bit hard to solved at first, because the puzzle size is the same as A3 paper and I didn't have any idea what the puzzle will look like. It took me almost 1 hour to figure it how to finished the puzzle, and I touched, as I finally finished the puzzle and I could read the small message that made by my friends. They took a picture with an assigned alphabet and It was arranged in such way to formed a sweet message. If you can't read what is written in the photo, it says "Good luck Theresya Tan. Bye bye!  See you very soon.". They are really sweet, aren't they? I already missed you guys. And yeah, hope to see you very soon! 

Culture of Indonesia : Wayang

POSTED ON: Tuesday 17 September 2013 @ 11:41 | 0 comments

Wayang is one of famous culture from Indonesia. Wayang is a Javanese traditional theater, which is refer to kinds of puppet theater, or actually the puppet itself is refers as wayang. Wayang is also believed as the essence of puppet show in Indonesia. Performance of wayang is accompanied by gamelan orchestra (Java) or gender wayang (Bali). Wayang is known to be existed before first century CE, after Hinduism and Buddhism was brought to South-East Asia. Wayang itself usually made from skin or leather. The construction of the puppets are carefully chiseled with very fine tools and supported with carefully shaped buffalo horn handles and control tools. The stories are usually drawn from the Hindu epics the Ramayana, the Mahabharata or from the Serat Menak. Basically, every continents have their own style of Wayang, but the most famous one is Wayang Kulit from Java.

Javanese Wayang

A Pair of Wayang Golek from West Java

Wayang kulit performance by a famous Indonesian 'Dalang' (puppet master) Ki Manteb Sudharsono with the story "Gathutkaca Winisuda", in Bentara Budaya

And below is an example for wayang perfomance

pictures credit : wikipedia and google
video credit : Hamid M Nur @ youtube

Tex Saverio

POSTED ON: @ 10:38 | 0 comments

Another inspiration of mine. Just straight to the point, He is Tex Saverio, a couturier fashion designer from Indonesia. I wouldn't write about his biography in this post, but you can read his biography here. As can be seen, Rio's (his nickname) works are always 'jaw-dropping'. It's very magnificent and amazing. His works gained so much attention from fashion industry in indonesia, or even international. Not to be drama-queen, but I love all his works, from La Glacon until his latest show in 2012. These are some of his works.

La Glacon - Jakarta Fashion Week 2011

Revalation - Jakarta Fashion Week 2012

My Courtesan - Rejuvenate Fashion Show 2010

Katniss's Wedding Dress in Catching Fire

Lady Gaga (left) and Kim Kardashian (right) wearing Tex Saverio's dress

No wonder he is addressed as 'Indonesia's Alexander McQueen'

pictures credit : google

Angel of Music Part 2

POSTED ON: @ 09:12 | 0 comments

continue from this post.

The costumes were so detailed, eye-catching and beautiful especially in the scene where all of the characters appear at 'Masquerade' wearing brightly colorful outfits. It feels like we go back to late 19th century and we could felt the presence of the phantom's mystical and melancholic melodies. The overall performance itself not only blow me away, I still remember that I myself couldn't stop clapping my hands. It completely seized me in such extraordinary emotional experience that left me all choked up even after i left the theater. No wonders, it is called as the world's most successful and popular musical, yet the longest running show in broadway.

Phantom and Christine


pictures credit : google

Fashionable Sweets

POSTED ON: @ 08:52 | 0 comments

pictures credit : tumblr

They are lovely, aren't they? In my opinion, I can say they're the most fashionable and the most artistic finger food that have ever existed. Looking at their color, makes me think about color palette, acrylic/water color, or rainbow! The color itself represent different flavor such for examples, brown usually represents chocolate, or pink represents strawberry. They are usually served with a cup of tea. Such a perfect combination for evening snacks! 

Zac Posen for A/W 2013

POSTED ON: Tuesday 10 September 2013 @ 00:04 | 0 comments

Here it comes again, another lap for the biggest fashion event in fashion industry. And yes, fashion week for spring and summer 2014 has started! As usual, New York City as a beginning, yay! I've seen some of the fashion show reports and there's one show that caught my attention the most. It's Zac Posen's show and it was held on 08th September. Zac Posen himself presented his astonishing dresses, which still put our attention at the cut of dresses - Posen's signature - and the warmly spring colors. He's surely a designer that knows how to make a bewitching yet gorgeous women in feminine dresses.

picture credit : vogue uk

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