
POSTED ON: Thursday 3 October 2013 @ 10:47 | 0 comments

Since I were a kid, I've been always wanted to have a dog, but sadly I was staying with my grandma who has lungs-problem, that's why my parent didn't allow us to have a dog in our house. After we moved from our grandma house, I was 16 at that time and I still want to have a dog, but I thought that it will be burden for my mom, because we must take care of it so I never ask my mom to buy me a dog. But one day, suddenly my aunt called my mom and told her that she wants to give her dog for us due to her husband (he doesn't like dog). So yeah, here she is! Her name is Mikki, I fell in love with her since the first time she arrived at my home! She is a mix of poodle and pomeranian. Here are some photo of her.

Mikki, when she arrived at my home for the first time!

She was trying to grab a stick! So cute rite <3

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