Culture of Indonesia: Padang Cuisine

POSTED ON: Wednesday 2 October 2013 @ 13:36 | 0 comments

Decided to do a blogpost about Padang Cuisine because I just finished my Drawing Fundamental works and randomly craved for Padang Cuisine. Padang Cuisine is one of famous Indonesian dish, It is known across indonesia as a dish from Padang, a capital city from West Sumatra.  Padang cuisine commonly can be found almost everywhere in Indonesia and it has rich taste of coconut milk and spicy chili. Usually the cuisine is cooked once a day, and displayed in front of restaurant. Customer who come will be directly seated and the waiter will serves dishes direct on the table. Customer only take and pay what they want from this array. Below is some example of Padang Cuisine.


Ayam Pop

Sate Padang

Terong Balado


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