Culture of Indonesia: Raja Ampat

POSTED ON: Thursday 3 October 2013 @ 05:54 | 0 comments

Actually this post isn't about Indonesia's culture, it's a place in indonesia which I'm sure that not many people have known this place. The place is called Raja Ampat. It is located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea. Raja ampat means the Four Kings, the name comes from a local mythology that tells about a woman who finds seven eggs. Four of the seven eggs hatch and become kings that occupy four of Raja Ampat biggest islands whilst the other three become a ghost, a woman, and a stone. Personally I think Raja Ampat is very beautiful place, I've never been there but some of my friends who went there last year told me that the scenery and the beach are very beautiful and clean. Surely this is my holiday destination next year (hopefully).

very beautiful, isn't it?

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