Sungha Jung

POSTED ON: Thursday 3 October 2013 @ 11:46 | 0 comments

One of my favorite instrument is a guitar, because it gives you a relax feeling when you are listening to them, and in this post, I would introduce to you one of my favorite guitarist. He is Sungha Jung, from South Korea. I have been his fan since 2009, I found one of his video in youtube, and I fell in love with him and his hand right after I watched his video. Surprisingly, he is one year younger than me! Then after that, I started to watching all of his video. He is surely one of a rare talented guitarist. He started playing guitar when he was a little kid, he had been watching his dad playing guitar and he was interested in guitar, he learnt to play guitar only in 3 days, and after that he started to recorded a video of him playing guitar and uploaded it to youtube. Nowadays, he already has over 700 million views and more than 2 million subscriber in youtube. Below are some of his video. Definitely worth a watch!

First video of him that I watched. Fell in love directly after watching.

One of my favorite!

Another favorite. Arranged by Sungha himself

twitter : jungsungha
youtube : jwcfree
website :

Max Brenner Chocolate Bar

POSTED ON: @ 11:23 | 0 comments

I went to VivoCity with my friend last time, and we were craving for some sweets, so we decided to try a cafe called Max Brenner Chocolate Bar, then we were seated by a waiter and started to looking at the menu. When i saw the picture of 'Suckoa', i felt really curious about this drink, in the end, we ordered Suckoa,  Dark Hot Chocolate with Banana Syrup, and Max Brenner Chocolate Pizza with Marshmallow on top. We waited for around 10 minutes and finally the waiter served our food on the table!

This is my drink, it's some kind of chocolate milk, but it uniqueness is that we make our chocolate milk, we pour the milk and chocolate into a mini boiling pan. Even though it's a chocolate milk, it's really different from the normal chocolate milk.

Chocolate Pizza with Marshmallow on top
I can't stop talking with my friend on how good it is. The pizza is freshly from the oven, when it enters your mouth, you will taste a crispiness of the thin pizza yet the warm-melting marshmallow on your mouth. Definitely a perfect dessert!

Surely I will come back again next time. 
Oh no, and now I'm craving for the pizza. 


8 Raffles Avenue, #01‐06/08 Esplanade Mall, Singapore 039802
Phone number: +65 62359556
Opening Hours:
Sun ‐ Thurs - 12:00pm to 11:00pm (last order 10:30pm)
Fri ‐ Sat - 12:00pm to 12:00am (last order 11:30pm)

1 HarbourFront Walk, #01‐116 VivoCity, Singapore 098585
Phone number:+65 62784218
Opening Hours:
Sun ‐ Thurs - 10:00am to 11:00pm (last order 10:00pm)
Fri ‐ Sat - 10:00am to 12:00am (last order 11:00pm)

112 East Coast Road, #01‐05 112 Katong, Singapore 428802
Phone number:+65 63450616
Opening Hours:
Sun ‐ Thurs - 10:00am to 11:30pm (last order 10:30pm)
Fri ‐ Sat - 10:00am to 01:00am (last order 12:00am) 


POSTED ON: @ 10:47 | 0 comments

Since I were a kid, I've been always wanted to have a dog, but sadly I was staying with my grandma who has lungs-problem, that's why my parent didn't allow us to have a dog in our house. After we moved from our grandma house, I was 16 at that time and I still want to have a dog, but I thought that it will be burden for my mom, because we must take care of it so I never ask my mom to buy me a dog. But one day, suddenly my aunt called my mom and told her that she wants to give her dog for us due to her husband (he doesn't like dog). So yeah, here she is! Her name is Mikki, I fell in love with her since the first time she arrived at my home! She is a mix of poodle and pomeranian. Here are some photo of her.

Mikki, when she arrived at my home for the first time!

She was trying to grab a stick! So cute rite <3

Who is she?

POSTED ON: @ 09:56 | 0 comments

Last week I got an assignment to draw a human face for Drawing Fundamental, and I felt startled. Why? Because I never learn how to draw a human face, really, never. Fortunately the teacher taught me how to draw the basic of human face, started from the eye, nose and mouth. After that, the teacher told me to start doing my work, and then I decided to draw someone And here it is, can you guess who's she?

Life without Limbs

POSTED ON: @ 07:19 | 0 comments

He is one of the Man that inspired me the most, He never give up in life, He loves God and dedicated his life to Him, He is one that born without limbs and still can be happy with himself. Yeah, He is Nick Vujicic. Without any medical warning, he was born without hands and legs. Can you imagine how surprised their parents when they see their first son was born without limbs? When he was a child, he got bullied because people thought he is weird, even he almost committed suicide, but he kept believing that God must be have plan with his life. He tried his best to life by being independent. When he got to Junior High School, his life started to change, he was active in many organization, and when he was seventeen, he started to speak in front of many people, about his past life and how great God is, to use his life to inspires many people. Nowadays, he is traveling around the world, to give speech and also he is the founder of non-profit organization called 'Life without Limbs'.

What I adore from him, is that he never give up in life, he is very independent and he doesn't want to disturb people because of his flaws, even though he ever tried to committed suicide, but now he is one of the public figure that I adore. 

pictures credit:

Bolshoi Ballet

POSTED ON: @ 06:35 | 0 comments

I love to dance, and also I love to watch people dancing, and usually I prefer to watch some kind of hip hop dancing rather than contemporary or ballet. But after I found this ballet group from Russia, Bolshoi Ballet, I started to love ballet. Bolshoi Ballet was found in 1776, It's one of the world's oldest ballet company. The performance style of Bolshoi Ballet is typically identified as being colorful and bold, combining technique and athleticism with expressiveness and dramatic intensity. Below is two of their performance.

Dance of Sugar Plum Fairy by Nina Kaptsova from Bolshoi Ballet

credit: Alex Vadim @Youtube  

Swan Lake by Bolshoi Ballet

credit: Adam Zvonar @Youtube

Culture of Indonesia: Raja Ampat

POSTED ON: @ 05:54 | 0 comments

Actually this post isn't about Indonesia's culture, it's a place in indonesia which I'm sure that not many people have known this place. The place is called Raja Ampat. It is located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea. Raja ampat means the Four Kings, the name comes from a local mythology that tells about a woman who finds seven eggs. Four of the seven eggs hatch and become kings that occupy four of Raja Ampat biggest islands whilst the other three become a ghost, a woman, and a stone. Personally I think Raja Ampat is very beautiful place, I've never been there but some of my friends who went there last year told me that the scenery and the beach are very beautiful and clean. Surely this is my holiday destination next year (hopefully).

very beautiful, isn't it?

pictures credit:

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